Under 6 Boys and Girls
Basic Rules
No Coaches on the Field
4 Players field and there are No Goalie
Minimum of 6 Players , Max of 8 per team
Mandatory 50% game time
No Parents or Coaches behind Goal
Only coaches and mangers are allowed on team side of field. Parents and siblings please watch from the parent side.
A game consists of 4 - 8 minute quarters.
Soccer ball should be size 3.
When the ball goes out of bounds the team who did not touch it last, will throw it in.
Goal Kicks or Corner kicks are typical FIFA rules.
All kicks are to be indirect.
The fields are 20 yds x 30 yds and the goals are 6' x 4'.
All Henderson Soccer rules apply.
When a referee is not present go to the referee station to see if they have a replacement. If a referee for this age group is not available, coaches will need to referee the game.